
Copyright Notice
All content, graphics, and other data on this website not expressly stated as being from another source is copyrighted by The ShinerGroup. This material may not be sold for profit or included in any type of activity (commercial or private) without the consent of The ShinerGroup. Failure to abide by these rules may result in legal action by The ShinerGroup. All content, graphics, and other data on this website expressly stated as being from another source are hereby designated original material, and is the intellectual property of the owner. This material may not be reused in any form, or for any purpose, without the consent of the owner.

Permission is hereby granted to download and view any material for personal, non-commercial purposes and to create hyperlinks to this website.

In accordance with laws governing literary and artistic property rights or other similar rights, the reproduction and redistribution of the elements that make up The ShinerGroup website, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.

Information & Pricing
While The ShinerGroup has tried to ensure the accuracy of the information accessed via the website, it does not guarantee or give any warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information or material on the website, and declines all responsibility for technical inaccuracies or other errors. Pricing and conditions are subject to change without notice.

The ShinerGroup uses the anonymous browsing information collected automatically by its servers primarily to help it administer and improve its website. The ShinerGroup may also use aggregated anonymous information to provide information about its website to advertisers, potential business partners and other unaffiliated entities. Again, this information is not personally identifiable.

You may choose to disclose personally identifiable information about yourself, which may be used for notification about updates to our web site, or used for marketing communications purposes.

The email addresses of those who communicate via email are recorded only if they are volunteered by the consumer, such as via survey and/or site registration. The ShinerGroup will not share these email addresses with other organizations for commercial purposes without your advance opt-in or permission consent.

If, at any point after giving The ShinerGroup your personally identifying information, you do not wish to continue to receive additional information, please let us know by sending an email with your name, phone number, and mailing address.

Collection of Information by Third-Party Sites and Sponsors
This website may contain links to other sites whose information practices may be different than ours. Visitors should consult the other sites’ privacy notices, as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties.